This is a preview for the next film produced by my friend Vertna, the title will be "The First Time" directed by Mira Gandy and obviously Dr. Vertna Bradley
Set in NYC in the 1980's, "The First Time" is a short stop motion animation film that chronicles the coming out story of a young Black girl named Mya, a freshman at NYU who feels that she likes girls, but is also repressing those feelings. She wants to come out, but is scared she will lose her best friends Tasha and Maritza if she does. All is well, until the course of her life changes after a party in the Hamptons with Heather.

MIRA GANDY - She's a New York Based Visual artist whose paintings, collages, installations, and videos examine issues related to women, identity, beauty, race, history and their intersection in media and culture. In many of her works, she incorporates photographic images, and she sees the moving image as an extension of this work. "The First Time" is a film based on her experiences as a young woman growing up in Greenwich Village in New York City in the 1980's. It is about remembrance, and finding oneself. It's about identity, sexuality and about youth and that special moment in time that one never forgets.

DR. VERTNA BRADLEY - She's interested in diverse representations and deconstructing preconceived media influences and assigned identities in an effort to peel back layers to reveal elements of universality. She works to break down stereotypes, and she believes in the idea and practice that we are one; we are all connected. Our differences in orientation, ethnicity, gender identification, religion, mental/physical ability or socio economic status should not matter, and she attempts to demonstrate that in herwork. She feels that even if the subject she's exploring is not someone's experience that some connection to it can be found, even if this relationship begins in opposition.
Original music composed by Stephen Neverson.