It's been a while that I talk about it with a lot of emotion when I present Ozlem Altingoz's films. Her works are not like those of others, they always have something that distinguishes them and makes them unique in its kind. I have admitted several times that Birth, the latest masterpiece of the young director, has many cues from James Wan. But Ozlem, unlike the established director, has many years less and a greater potential. In my last article I defined Ozlem as the future of the horror genre. I am still aware of what I have said.
I went to Los Angeles to find Ozlem Altingoz to ask her some questions.
Here is the complete interview

1) Dear Ozlem, how did your passion start? When I was in primary-school, I was usually visiting my dad's office in Istanbul and one day I heard that a famous Turkish director was shooting a Television series at that location. I wanted to watch them and got a permission from the production company. In that day, it was like a dream, I talked to the stars and it got me thinking of being a director. With that dream, I decided to study in a Radio and Television program in high-school and started to take theatre classes from famous actors. Thus, I met famous film stars and they wanted me to direct my own films and my journey started. 2) What are the difficulties for making a film?
I am living in Los Angeles and I can clearly say that the most difficult part is Hollywood filmmaking rules such as permission, insurance, renting the equipment, hiring a reliable crew and of course your budget is the most important thing since money makes your movies and you need to have a passion to make your dream true.

3) Where do your ideas come from?
Usually think about different horror stories and then try to combine them in one tale.

4) In Italy you won the medf with both Daughter of the Lake and Birth. Did you expect this success?
Yes, I was expecting this success since I have a passion and love for horror films.

5) Which director do you inspire?
My favorite horror film director is James Wan, he made some famous horror films including "The Conjuring", "Saw" and "Insidious". I always follow his powerful ideas and I would like to be a director like him.

6) Birth is really terrifying. would you tell me what the idea came from and what was the budget to make it happen?
Thank you for your comments. When I was little, I saw a great horror film - "Rosemary's Baby" that made by famous director Roman Polanski. I was really impressed by the movie and after years I thought that how I could make that movie in a modern way and I created my own masterpiece, "Birth". As I mentioned before, the budget is very important step to make your films and my short film budget is around $100.000.

7) How is your relationship with the cast?
I strongly believe that we have a great relationship because we trust each other and this makes us get closer and feel that we are a big family. 8) Do you plan to make a feature film?
Yes, I do. I would like to plan a horror\slasher film with a great actor and producer. I am looking for a famous horror film writer nowadays. Hopefully, I will make a new master-piece!

9) Can you anticipate what your next movie will be like?
I can definitely say that there will be too much blood on the set. For now, I don't wanna give a spoiler but I can give a clue to you. It will be a slasher movie and about a dead man's terrifying story.

10) In Italy Danny Caprio wrote that you are a diamond and that you will become one of the best horror directors. do you think he's right?
First off, thank you very much for Danny Caprio, I appreciate his valuable words. Yes, he is absolutely right since I believe myself and I will make my dreams true.
11) Could you tell me a funny background of some of your films?
When I was shooting Daughter of the Lake, I had a scene that the character Livia needed to eat a bloody heart! But the actress was disgusted by the prop and I gave her a new prop-heart with Nutella and said that " I was sure you would like to eat that, now."
And shooting the Birth, I gave a prop-demonic and terrifying baby to the actress and the make-up artist did a great job with the prop. It was so realistic make-up and the actress said that she did not want to get a baby after seeing this little devil! Ans she started to laugh at the prop-baby, even she couldn't stop laughing. This was the first horror film for the lead actress and she did a amazing job and we completed scene.
