Sometimes the emotion becomes so strong that you can not even say a word, making all that surrounds us superfluous. It is the feeling you get when you have the beautiful Mandy Flores, a beautiful girl, sensual, magnetic and almost unreal, ethereal, magical.
The compliments would be exhausted to talk about her, her perfume and her beautiful skin that inebriates your senses. Mandy Flores has a look that seduces you, attracts you and leaves you in awe. If she became the queen of porn, both as an actress and as a producer, it is simply because Mandy is one step above the others.
The girl that every man would like, the woman to whom each of us would like to prostrate herself to her feet.
We at TheBlogDC editors managed to interview her and we found out that she is also a fantastic and very sociable person. If you do not believe it, go immediately to register on her site, you will understand how exciting Mandy Flores is.

1) Mandyflores.com is one of the most famous brands in the porn industry. How was the transition from an actress to a producer for yourself?
I never have been just an actress. Every video you have seen of me was always produced by me, except for 4 videos I recently did with another company and a few shot with my friend MissaX. I am not a porn actress, I do not work for anyone but myself.
2) From what are the plots of your videos? I saw that the Mom / step mom movies were a success.
Nearly all of my videos were custom ordered videos. My base price to make a video into reality for a customer is $3,000. Usually they have a fairly well thought out scenario and I extrapolate on that or tone it down based on what I think will sell or what I am comfortable with.
There are a couple that are strictly my and my husbands ideas:
The Viagra Incident (Accidental Erection) https://mandyflores.com/vod/scenes/Mom-and-Step-Son-Accidental-Erection--the-Viagra-Incident_vids.html
Walking Dead Zombie Attack
Daddy I cant Sleep https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/33729/19798787/MF+~+Ultimate+Taboo%3A+Daddy+I+cant+sleep+1080HD+Taboo+Mandy+Flores
Black Widows Revenge https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/33729/17552294/Black+Widow+Sisters+Revenge%3A+Bondage+Sex%3A+Mandy+Flores+%26+Barbie+Bailee
There may be a couple more but these ones we had fun with and basically took a small idea and fed off of each other while we wrote them out.

3) What is your biggest perversion?
Me personally? I honestly can't say. I'm pretty straight forward sexually :)
4) Could you tell us how you are when you are far from the cameras?
More relaxed! LOL I love my animals, I love my time at the beach and out on the boat. Usually when someone meets me they get the impression I am sweet, I have no idea why. LOL
5) You have been called the girl next door, could it be a reason for success?
That's been a topic of conversation here at home, about how I have these two personas that really compliment each other. I can be the sweet girl next door with a pretty smile, or I can be the vicious vixen who looks like a supermodel. I feel very blessed to look how I do. I also really do try to get into the character as much as possible, try to make even ridiculous scenarios seem somewhat believable. I think that's a big part of the success too.

6) Often i watch in your videos fetish situation. Is it a practice you like?
Really ALL my videos are a fetish of some sort. There are plenty of them I enjoy but I like to keep that to myself, outside of financial domination, what girl doesn't like having money just given to them?!
7) In addition to the porn there is Mandy Flores that we do not know?
I don't try to hide who I am outside of my videos, but a lot of you might be surprised at how spiritual I am. I do have a deep faith in God and I know many would balk at the thought, but I truly don't see a conflict in what I do and believing in God. I only have sex with my husband in videos, always has been that way, and how can the acting we are doing (having sex) be any worse than someone portraying a murderer or bank robber in a mainstream film? It's not. It's just acting. Outside of that I am a big animal lover and love to do things outdoors. Oh I also have two kids most of you don't know about! LOL

8) What projects do you have for the future?
Currently....Nothing. I am taking a long break and cleared my schedule completely. I have plenty of content that has never been seen to continue releasing new videos and pictures for a while, and member of my website Mandyflores.com are treated to my latest content.
I can be the sweet girl next door with a pretty smile, or I can be the vicious vixen who looks like a supermodel.
9) I read that you started as a model and that you were noticed immediately for playboy. how did the step of making porn happen?
Funny thing, I was already making porn in my bedroom at home before Playboy, I just used a different nickname Mymandygirl. Playboy never would have considered me if I had not used my name and they found out I was already established on my own. The Lost Bet To Pervert Brother video (this is a free link to the full video for anyone who registers at my VOD) https://mandyflores.com/vod/scenes/Lost-Bet-for-StepBrother-_vids.html
this video was one of my first customs that had sex in it and the guy decided to post it on tube sites. It managed to get millions of views before I knew what was going on.
10) the hard scene that you prefer and the one you do not like.
I like to be dominant. Whatever the sex is if I am dominant and in control I like it.
I don't like stupid videos. If I think the idea is ridiculous it is very hard for me to enjoy it. Sometimes I will take the order anyway because I get paid enough to make it for the person.

I do have a deep faith in God
11) Have you ever thought about making films? You are beautiful, intelligent and also a successful entrepreneur. You do not miss anything!
Thank you! :) I have, and I have had quite a few people tell me I should be doing films, but I like having control of my life and not having the pressure of something like that. I am fairly certain that eventually I will shoot something intended for a more mainstream audience, but right now I am content with where I am at.
12) What characteristics must a man have for Mandy Flores?
Strong, Personable, Funny, Loving, Spiritual.
13) According to THEBLOGDC your sensuality is something magical. Especially your eyes. What is your favorite body part?
On myself? My eyes, and my legs. On guys? Eyes, and I really like a big guy, not overly muscular but strong.
A big big big Kiss to Mandy Flores from Italy
Why do you not do interracial videos?