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Lost In Apocalypse (Ita-Eng)

Immagine del redattore: Danny CaprioDanny Caprio

Il film evento di questo mese arriva direttamente dal mercato Asiatico ed è uno zombie movie di pregevole livello, intitolato Lost in Apocalypse diretto da Sky Wang. Non svelerò tutto e subito. La prima parte del nostro articolo sarà incentrata sul film, mentre la seconda è un'intervista al regista Sky Wang, mio carissimo amico. Il film prende spunto da un manga e viene realizzato con grandissimo impegno da parte della produzione che ha fatto un ottimo lavoro. Non aspettatevi però orde di zombie o uno splatter spacca crani. Lost in Apocalypse non è questo, anzi per gran parte del film non si vedono zombie. Sky Wang realizza un film dove le atmosfere ed i dialoghi e la cinematografia lo rendono superiore alla media. La scelta di non esagerare con il troppo sangue lo rendono accessibile a molti. Si punta di più all'aspetto psicologico che a quello della pura azione. Azione che però non manca così come l'ottimo audio del film che ricrea la sensazione di essere con i personaggi del film. Molto distante dalla frenesia di Train to Busan che risulta essere sempre un ottimo film.

Voto 7.5/10

Poster Lost in Apocalypse

Adesso andiamo nel dettaglio a seguire più da vicino, grazie alla sua intervista riportata sotto, il film di Sky Wang: Lost in Apocalypse.


Review + Interview

This month's movie event comes straight from the Asian market and is a high-quality zombie movie, titled Lost in Apocalypse directed by Sky Wang. I will not reveal everything immediately. The first part of our article will focus on the film, while the second is an interview with director Sky Wang, my dear friend. The film is inspired by a manga and is made with great commitment by the production that has done a great job. But do not expect hordes of zombies or splattering skulls. Lost in Apocalypse is not this, indeed for most of the film you do not see zombies. Sky Wang makes a film where atmospheres and dialogues and cinematography make it above average. The decision not to overdo it with too much blood makes it accessible to many. You focus more on the psychological aspect than on pure action. Action that is not lacking as well as the excellent sound of the film that recreates the feeling of being with the characters in the film. Very far from the frenzy of Train to Busan which is always a good movie.

Rating 7.5 / 10

Now let's go in detail to follow more closely the film by Sky Wang: Lost in Apocalypse.

What was your project for the film Lost in Apocalypse born of?

The film “Lost In Apocalypse” was originally a Tencent Comics graphic novel created by Ruibo Cao. When Tencent Pictures decided to turn it into a film, the producer Iris Liu brought me onboard to helm this picture.

Say me the plot in a few words

A group of seemingly unrelated individuals fight their way out of a virus-infested hotel, only to find themselves at a worse place than before.

How did the casting take place for the choice of the protagonist?

The casting for all the main characters of the film took place just a few weeks before shooting. Almost every actor that was cast came from different backgrounds. Particularly for the role “Jack”, portrayed by Martin Yang, who wasn’t really a professional actor, but rather a casting assistant on our production. After many meetings with other actors for the role, I thought that he was the perfect choice for the role.

A story that has as its object the drama and action, and a lot of zombies. How many hours and people to realize it?

By the time I was brought onto the film, there was only a month left on pre-production. The shooting took place for only 15 days, and there were roughly 70 crew members for the production.

What was, if you can say, the project budget?

The exact numbers are hard to figure, but the film roughly cost about ¥2,800,000 (Chinese RMB) or $400,000.

What critical issues emerged during the shoot?

We were constantly working against time, which was a critical factor when doing a film of this difficulty within the budgets. On top of that, it was a first-time project for many of the key creatives, who all came from different backgrounds, so it was not easy getting everybody to work well together so quickly.

What other projects will you do?

At the moment, I’m working on a real-life biopic for an Olympic athlete, which is very different to this, but hopefully it will be even better when it’s done.

You have been selected at MedFF thanks to the popular jury, formed by members in the theater, it means that your film likes people. What effect does it make you?

It’s quite unreal to think that the film is liked by peers outside of the Chinese community. We are very humbled and surprised.

I ask to the director: is there anything you would have changed?

The experience of working on this film was so fulfilling, I don’t think I would want to change much of it. Of course, that being said, there are things that could always be better. I’ll just settle to making future projects better then.

With what instruments did you shot the film?

The film was shot digitally with Arri Alexa Minis, with a couple of shots done on GoPro.

The Blog DC would like your trailer on the front page, you will be followed by about 10,000 people ... a beautiful achievement is not it?

It is crazy to think that so many people will be able to see the trailer. We certainly hope everyone who comes cross it will like our film.

Thanks to all production, director, actors of Lost in Apocalypse!


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